Chutzpah: EPA lies about human testing in new air pollution rule

EPA’s Federal Register announcement of the new PM2.5 air quality standards contains flat-out falsehoods about the agency’s human testing program. Continue reading Chutzpah: EPA lies about human testing in new air pollution rule

EPA-funded University of Rochester researchers test deadly air pollutant on diabetics

You’d think a guy with the name like “Günter Oberdörster” would avoid illegal human experiments like the plague. Continue reading EPA-funded University of Rochester researchers test deadly air pollutant on diabetics

Texas cancer agency facing probe

The “war on cancer” is a 40-year old failure that is evolving into fraud. “Racing for the cure” may have made you feel better, but it and its genre of “research” and activism have been a colossal waste of time, effort and money. You don’t need sunglasses to see its future, but a good prosecutor might help. Continue reading Texas cancer agency facing probe