Irony: 'Nonprofit' gets millions for wind project

And that’s what taxpayers will net courtesy of the Obama regime.

“In one of the first projects of its kind in the United States, the Lake Erie Energy Development Corp. of Cleveland will launch an offshore wind-development project on Lake Erie using $4 million in federal money.

LEEDCo is a nonprofit company working to build wind turbines in Lake Erie.” [Columbus Dispatch]

3 thoughts on “Irony: 'Nonprofit' gets millions for wind project”

  1. “Non-profit” does not mean no one makes money. It means those meeting specific guidelines are called “non-profit”. There are a tremendous number of “non-profit” organizations that pay far better than the private sector and have budgets that are huge. “Non-profit” just means “government approved spending patterns and projects”. It has nothing to do with actual money made.

  2. The owners seem to do quite well on taxpayer money.

    The city of San Antonio just announced last week they are providing millions of dollars to support a solar manufacturing facility to be constructed in SA. Where have these council members been the past two year when all the green energy companies were going belly up even with taxpayer subsidies? All the government idiots are not located in WDC.

  3. “LEEDCo is a nonprofit company working to build wind turbines”

    Redundant. They are all nonprofit.

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