Impact of climate change on California's electricity infrastructure could be costly

“…the definition of extreme weather events, such as what constitutes a 100-year flood, will have to be changed…”

“Looking at a range of future climate scenarios, Larry Dale, an economist at Berkeley Lab, found that California may need as much as 30 to 40 percent more generation and transmission capacity per capita by the end of the century because of the negative effect of higher temperatures on equipment performance.” []

3 thoughts on “Impact of climate change on California's electricity infrastructure could be costly”

  1. “the definition of extreme weather events”, defining the extent of an an excursion on the Y axis by how often it happens, or its regularity on the X axis, was destined to lead to confusion as things change.

  2. Perhaps we could shut down universities and go with internet education. That could help.
    I’m guessing he did not factor in the exodus from California due to the energy and taxation policies when calculating the cost?
    (Forgive if this double posts…..)

  3. Perhaps we could shut down universities and go with internet education. That could help.
    I’m guessing he did not factor in the exodus from California due to the energy and taxation policies when calculating the cost?

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