“California’s Public Utilities Commission estimated in 2009 that the 33% RPS rule (finally adopted in 2011) would require an investment of about $115 billion, or some $3,000 for every Californian.” [Investor’s Business Daily]
“California’s Public Utilities Commission estimated in 2009 that the 33% RPS rule (finally adopted in 2011) would require an investment of about $115 billion, or some $3,000 for every Californian.” [Investor’s Business Daily]
Welcome to the outside world!
I recently escaped from California… one eye-opener was the difference in power bills for similar sized homes. In California, the electricity rates are charged on a sliding scale. You are first provided with a “baseline” amount that you’re billed about 15 cents per KWH. Then if you use more than the baseline allowance, you are charged higher rates for various tiers above the baseline (e.g. 100~150%, 151~200%, 201~300% of baseline). Most months, I paid in the 151-200% range and occasionally fell into the above 200% tier. These tiers charged 38 cents and 45 cents per KWH! Even though I worked from home, I could not receive an additional “baseline” allotment. The net result is that I often paid $200 or more for a month’s worth of electricity — in an 1800 sq ft 3bed/2ba home.
I now live in the PNW in a slightly larger home, electricity here is 8.16 cents per KWH — any quantity. My electricity bills have been reduced to $50~80 per month. Thanks to the Bonneville Power Administration, 100% of the power is “renewable” thanks to the Columbia River hydro-power system.