Another record-breaking year for climate change

Contrary to the implication of this Miami Herald article, the membership of the National Academy of Sciences has never reached any conclusion about global warming — and Abraham Lincoln did not “found” the NAS.

“It’s virtually certain that 2012 will be the warmest year on record for the continental United States. When scientists affirm these results, they’ll no doubt make headlines. But we should put that record in perspective. North America covers just 2 percent of the Earth’s surface. Globally, we’re set to have another very hot year, likely in the top 10, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Looking further back, the last 35 years have all exceeded the 20th century average global temperature. That’s a generational shift. Half the U.S. population is 35 or younger, so half of all Americans have never lived through an “average” year.” [Miami Herald]

4 thoughts on “Another record-breaking year for climate change”

  1. savebyj : -You’d better buy a ranch in central Australia, and leave your beaverskins in Texas.

  2. Yep. Another wonderful hot winter day here in central Texas with the high at a sweating 41 degrees and our third morning in a row below freezing.

  3. It doesn’t matter how hot or how cold it is. How wet or how dry or how average it is, It’s GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!” “Well, it’s -20 today and that’s quite a bit above seasonal for this time of year.” (May 1st)

  4. That’s called “weather” . . . also note that eastern Europe had the “Coldest” winter in 100 years last year . . . and are having another “Brutal” Winter today . . . must be Gorebull Warming eh ! ! !

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