Another Candidate for EPA Chief: CARB's Mary Nichols

“The woman who led California through the development and implementation of some groundbreaking environmental policies could soon be headed to Washington, D.C.”

“U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson announced her resignation this week, and already people are speculating about who will next head the agency. One name on nearly every pundit’s short list: California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary Nichols.” [SF Chronicle]

5 thoughts on “Another Candidate for EPA Chief: CARB's Mary Nichols”

  1. She runs Calif’s oil recycling program….the one where piously collect used oil in new stainless steel “milk” trucks, haul it to the nearest port, filter it lightly, mix it with fuel oil and sell it to burn in unfiltered ships boilers that only sail up and down our Pacific coast. She recently protected us better from this “largest single source of easily preventable pollution” by making the ships be 7 miles offshore before they are allowed to burn it instead of 3 miles .
    Imagine the good she will be able to do in DC

  2. “”Certainly California’s loss would be the nation’s gain,” said Ann Notthoff, California director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.”

    Only because of my love for California, I want them to keep Nichols.

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