Does Juliet Eilperin meet the WashPost standard of disclosure?

Would that question be asked if she did?

In today’s Washington Post Ombudsman column, Patrick Pexton states matter of factly,

Journalists should always disclose a possible conflict of interest to their readers.

When it comes to WashPost environmental reporter Juliet Eilperin, however, this disclosure never occurs.

As readers of know, Eilperin is married to Andrew Light, who works on climate as a senior fellow at the climate alarmist Center for American Progress.

We raised the question of Eilperin’s obvious but undisclosed conflict-of-interest with WashPost Ombudsman Andrew Alexander in November 2009.

Alexander stated at the time:

It’s a close call, but I think she should stay on the beat. With her work now getting special scrutiny, it will become clear if the conflict is real.

In the past two years, Eilperin has written the following climate/energy/environment-related articles in which she quotes/cites the Center for American Progress while failing to disclose that CAP is her husband’s employer and that her husband works on climate/energy issues:

  • U.N. opts to extend Kyoto Protocol, December 9, 2012;
  • U.S. raises auto fuel-efficiency bar U.S. raises auto fuel-efficiency bar, tightens standards, August 29, 2012;
  • Results of Earth Summit are far from earthshaking, June 23, 2012;
  • An uneasy alliance on natural gas fractures, February 20, 2012;
  • Moving NOAA: Clear and cool, or a gathering storm?, January 23, 2012;
  • Global pact gives way to local action, November 28, 2011;
  • Obama’s strategy confounds allies, foes, September 4, 2011;
  • Interior, EPA riders stack up, July 29, 2011;
  • 2010 ties ’05 as warmest year on record, January 23, 2011;
  • Administration unveils solar energy plans, December 17, 2010;
  • GOP win dims prospects for climate bill, but Obama eyes Plan B ahead of U.N. talks, November 21, 2010;
  • Obama shifting climate strategy after GOP gains, November 5, 2010;
  • Van Jones lands new D.C. gig; Former Obama adviser to focus on green issues at liberal think tank, February 24, 2010;
  • ‘Fierce but gentlemanly warrior’ who fought polluters with legal activism, February 13, 2010;
  • Senators try to thwart EPA emission curbs; Legislation would block administration efforts to act without climate bill. January 22, 2010;
  • China sets target for emission cuts; Premier to go to Copenhagen Moves could signal progress in climate talks, November 29, 2010.

I’m not saying that Eilperin can’t continue reporting and quoting CAP staff — but she ought to disclose the conflict, as per Pexton’s stated standard. I have again written to Pexton pointing out the paper’s failure to address this matter. You may reach him at

2 thoughts on “Does Juliet Eilperin meet the WashPost standard of disclosure?”

  1. And the main stream media wonders why their circulation keeps dwindling. A lot of folks are tired of paying for the propaganda used against their interests.

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