Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week. [Daily Mail]

Teenager died in 1996 government-funded air pollution experiment at Univ. Rochester; University now using diabetics as air pollution guinea pigs

We can now say that government-sponsored air pollution experiments have killed more people than any recent air pollution. Continue reading Teenager died in 1996 government-funded air pollution experiment at Univ. Rochester; University now using diabetics as air pollution guinea pigs

Media Hits Military, But Not EPA, for Illegal Human Testing

The Charlotte Observer has no problem reporting on illegal human testing when the military is to blame — but it’s not so willing when the EPA is at fault. Continue reading Media Hits Military, But Not EPA, for Illegal Human Testing

EPA Free to Gas Sick People: Court Denies TRO Against EPA for Human Testing Citing Jursidiction

A federal court today denied our emergency motion for a temporary restraining order against EPA’s human testing on jurisdictional grounds. Continue reading EPA Free to Gas Sick People: Court Denies TRO Against EPA for Human Testing Citing Jursidiction

WashTimes: EPA told human test subjects – 'there's a possibility you may die from this'

“Steven Milloy’s lawsuit against the EPA has gone forward into federal court. As I wrote in a previous post, Milloy, a biostatistician and securities lawyer who runs the site, is suing the Environmental Protection Agency over what he discovered through evidence from a Freedom of Information Act request.” [Washington Times]

FOXNews: Lawmaker wants probe of EPA experiments on humans

“A powerful lawmaker is calling for Senate hearings following a lawsuit charging the Environmental Protection Agency conducted illegal human experiments, including some that exposed asthmatic patients to known carcinogens.” []

EPA admits to Court: Human subjects 'may die' from air pollution experiments

EPA has admitted to a federal court that it asks human guinea pigs to sacrifice their lives for regulatory purposes — and $12 per hour. Continue reading EPA admits to Court: Human subjects 'may die' from air pollution experiments