A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Are humans wrecking the climate? Meteorolgist Paul Douglas says humans are wrecking the climate. Douglas is self-styled “moderate Republican” and Christian. Therefore, humans are wrecking the climate. QED. Continue reading A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Total tamps down safety concerns as it struggles to control North Sea gas leak

“Environmentalists say the incidents highlight the dangers of allowing more offshore drilling, especially in new frontier areas the Arctic and Barents seas.” Continue reading Total tamps down safety concerns as it struggles to control North Sea gas leak

Obama admin: Oil & gas drilling wiping out sage grouse in Wyoming

“Environmentalists hailed the new study, saying it bolsters their calls for BLM to better manage and plan energy development on federal land near critical grouse habitat.” Continue reading Obama admin: Oil & gas drilling wiping out sage grouse in Wyoming

Frackopalypse Now: Why Natural-Gas Prices Could Fade to Red

“Nothing lasts forever. By curbing output and tempting users, cheap gas will one day be its own undoing, especially if next winter is cold. Meanwhile, natural-gas markets may have to sit through a summer showing of ‘Less Than Zero.'” Continue reading Frackopalypse Now: Why Natural-Gas Prices Could Fade to Red