EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning

Fresh off her proposal to kill the U.S. coal industry through unrealistic greenhouse gas emissions standards, Lisa Jackson will spend the remainder of the week in Paris planning global government, which apparently cannot be done by Skype. Continue reading EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning

Ozone, Asthma Hospitalizations Not Linked in Los Angeles 2009-2011


Average and maximum ground-level ozone measurements were not correlated with emergency admissions for asthma at a large Los Angeles hospital during 2009-2011. Continue reading Ozone, Asthma Hospitalizations Not Linked in Los Angeles 2009-2011

Katherine Hayhoe Cashing In On The Climate Scare…CEO Of Climate Consulting And Fortune-Telling Firm

“As a professor at a state university, is she using research money and all the number-crunching facilities there to supply reports that ATMOS Consulting in turn sells at a high price to clients (after a little cut and paste editing)?” Continue reading Katherine Hayhoe Cashing In On The Climate Scare…CEO Of Climate Consulting And Fortune-Telling Firm