Anti-fracking filmmaker handcuffed, removed from House hearing

“Subcommittee chairman Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) noted that the hearing is being webcast and that anyone filming the hearing would need the appropriate press credentials.” Continue reading Anti-fracking filmmaker handcuffed, removed from House hearing

Dear James Hansen: Climate Non-Alarmists Are Intellectually Grounded & Well Intentioned…

… (Sir, are you suffering from a ‘fatal conceit’?) Continue reading Dear James Hansen: Climate Non-Alarmists Are Intellectually Grounded & Well Intentioned…

Monsanto Accused In Suit Tied To Agent Orange

“We raised our families from those plants and we had no problems. Of course I know a lot of people in Nitro have had cancer, but I’m not sure [whether] they can blame that on the plants or not.” Continue reading Monsanto Accused In Suit Tied To Agent Orange

StogieGuys: Still Time to Oppose FDA Regulation of Cigars

“This week there was another development in the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) push to regulate cigars. The agency announced it was extending the public comment period on it’s proposed regulation of cigars.” Continue reading StogieGuys: Still Time to Oppose FDA Regulation of Cigars

Goklany: On Dentists, Cardiologists, Climatologists and Evidence-Based Remedies

Indur Goklany responds to Kevin Trenberth et al’s response to the 16-scientist WSJ op-ed. Continue reading Goklany: On Dentists, Cardiologists, Climatologists and Evidence-Based Remedies