Even the U.S. Government’s propaganda outfit is rethinking global warmism. Continue reading VOA: Debate Over Global Warming Heats Up
Month: February 2012
Michaels: An Unsettling Week For Global Warming’s ‘Settled Science’
“Settled science would know all of the important “forcings” and “feedbacks” in the climate system, such as the sensitivity of surface temperature to changes in carbon dioxide (a forcing) and the behavior of clouds, which could either enhance or counter warming (a feedback).” Continue reading Michaels: An Unsettling Week For Global Warming’s ‘Settled Science’
Crony renewable energy tax credits
Public-private piracy? Continue reading Crony renewable energy tax credits
State Dept moves to spread fracking fears internationally
Guess what film the State Department has included in its American Film Showcase. Continue reading State Dept moves to spread fracking fears internationally
People Haters: Access To Birth Control Is A Fundamental Component Of Climate Survival
Because preventing people is the best way to save them? Continue reading People Haters: Access To Birth Control Is A Fundamental Component Of Climate Survival
SciAm: Man-made climate change ‘began 3,500 years ago’
“Humans may have been causing climate change for much longer than we’ve been burning fossil fuels. In fact, the agrarian revolution may have started human-induced climate changes long before the industrial revolution began to sully the skies.” Continue reading SciAm: Man-made climate change ‘began 3,500 years ago’
NY AG sues EPA for tougher soot standard
No one is harmed by ambient fine particulate matter. Continue reading NY AG sues EPA for tougher soot standard
White House report says green energy loans could cost government $3B
The White House defense is that it’s only $3 billion. Continue reading White House report says green energy loans could cost government $3B
Video: Collapsing Cooling Towers
British greens try their hand at promoting wind by collapsing nuke cooling towers. Continue reading Video: Collapsing Cooling Towers
First Solar To Idle Half Of Its Germany Factory
Subsidies are falling more quickly than initially planned because of budget cuts or other political disputes between supporters and critics of the subsidy programs. Continue reading First Solar To Idle Half Of Its Germany Factory
Inhofe blasts climate science, EPA at CPAC
Sen. Jim Inhofe warns of looming EPA cap-and-trade regulations. Continue reading Inhofe blasts climate science, EPA at CPAC
Michael Mann appears at own college; wouldn’t take live questions from audience
You evidently had to submit questions in writing, after which they were screened in some undisclosed way. Continue reading Michael Mann appears at own college; wouldn’t take live questions from audience