“Nullius in Verba: The Royal Society and Climate Change, by Andrew Montford, is important to Canada not merely because of the continued threat of climate alarmism, but because the Royal Society of Canada has twice attached its name to intensely political statements from its British counterpart.” Continue reading Foster: Political science at academies
Month: February 2012
Does income inequality cause global warming?
“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.” Continue reading Does income inequality cause global warming?
Laframboise: The Royal Society’s Joyride
“The Society’s tarnished reputation will not be restored – nor trust rebuilt – until this organization openly acknowledges what has transpired.” Continue reading Laframboise: The Royal Society’s Joyride
Decoupling scam adopted in Hawaii
Aloha (its farewell meaning), capitalism. Continue reading Decoupling scam adopted in Hawaii
California Solar Deal Hits a Snag
Will bureaucrats in “clean energy”-loving California and the Obama Energy Dept. derail a $1.36 billion solar project? Continue reading California Solar Deal Hits a Snag
IBD: Tale of Two Pipelines
“While our president sleeps on the Keystone XL pipeline, Canada’s prime minister is in Beijing signing a series of trade deals to ship additional petroleum to China. Halftime in America? We need a new quarterback.” Continue reading IBD: Tale of Two Pipelines
Nocera: The Politics of Keystone, Take 2
New York Times columnist and Keystone XL supporter Joe Nocera gets a beat down from Robert Redford. Continue reading Nocera: The Politics of Keystone, Take 2
Tracinski: The Galileo of Global Warming
“The discoveries of the Galileo of global warming—to appreciate the irony, call Svensmark’s view the heliocentric theory—is out there, the evidence for it is building, and that fact can no longer be hidden or ignored.” Continue reading Tracinski: The Galileo of Global Warming
For Valentine’s Day: ‘We luv alarmists’?
“With Valentine’s Day coming up next week, and climate scientists continuing to come under relentless attacks by climate skeptic groups, a new campaign has sprung up to show some love for the scientists.” Continue reading For Valentine’s Day: ‘We luv alarmists’?
Skeptic brains ’emit fear signals that can disrupt attempts at rational thought’
Yup. That’s how a Canadian alarmist explains PM Stephen Harper’s lack of interest in global warming. Continue reading Skeptic brains ’emit fear signals that can disrupt attempts at rational thought’
More Climate ‘Ethics’: Astroturf, cyber-bullying and more!
“This is the third post in a series that examines the tactics of the climate change disinformation campaign through an ethical lens.” Continue reading More Climate ‘Ethics’: Astroturf, cyber-bullying and more!
Utility panel: closings could impact Ohio rates
“High electricity prices are not only painful for individuals, but also can make it difficult to attract and keep businesses.” Continue reading Utility panel: closings could impact Ohio rates