MSM still having trouble distinguishing ‘Deniergate’ from Climategate

Jean Chemick also forgot to report that Michael Mann’s “open letter” was compiled and distributed by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Continue reading MSM still having trouble distinguishing ‘Deniergate’ from Climategate

Fracking’s effects on groundwater may be overblown, study shows

“We have not seen whether the fracturing itself is causing the microseismic activity. More work needs to be done.” Continue reading Fracking’s effects on groundwater may be overblown, study shows

‘Abuse of the environment’ is ‘absolutely unprecedented’ emergency, say Blue Planet prizewinners

The “geniuses” recommend the 3 “P”s as the solution: Poverty, population control and propaganda. Continue reading ‘Abuse of the environment’ is ‘absolutely unprecedented’ emergency, say Blue Planet prizewinners