Occupy Occupy D.C. Activists Call on Congress to Conduct Oversight Hearings into EPA Grantmaking

“Occupy Occupy D.C.” activists will gather just steps from the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency at noon on Friday, February 24 to demand that Congress hold oversight hearings about possibly politicized grants made by the federal agency, and related issues. Continue reading Occupy Occupy D.C. Activists Call on Congress to Conduct Oversight Hearings into EPA Grantmaking

British Parliament hears devastating testimony from Lindzen on global warming hoax

“This renewed debate in Parliament represents a significant shift in the balance of power against the eco-fanatics.” Continue reading British Parliament hears devastating testimony from Lindzen on global warming hoax

Hayward: Plot thickens for Gleick

“A comment here about Gleick’s tender concern for ‘transparency’… Heartland received substantial contributions from one anonymous donor. It happens that the Environmental Defense Fund in a recent report thanks 141 anonymous donors for their support.” Continue reading Hayward: Plot thickens for Gleick

Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants

We can understand why plaintiffs’ lawyers and allied advocates for the organic food industry would seek to demonize what they see as a deep-pocket defendant and a competitor. But why would Madison County judges ignore overwhelming science and favor the plaintiffs when so many of the county’s tax-paying residents earn their livelihoods in conventional agriculture? Continue reading Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants