Rust: Beware EPA Bearing Gifts

By Dr. James Rust
January 4, 2012,

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman posted a column in the December 31 The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionWhy we should celebrate the gift of new EPA rules.” Continue reading Rust: Beware EPA Bearing Gifts

IBD: Gov’t Motors Catches Fire — Literally

“President Obama’s electric car vision is off to a hot start. First the heavily subsidized Chevy Volt started catching fire. Then government-backed Fisker Automotive had to recall all its cars due to a fire hazard.” Continue reading IBD: Gov’t Motors Catches Fire — Literally

Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’

Michael Mann colleague Donald Brown says it is unethical to differ from “consensus-approved” IPCC conclusions. Continue reading Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’