This is about intimidation, not disclosure. Continue reading Bid to force climate think-tank to declare backers
Day: January 26, 2012
Cabot Cites Obama Speech to Fault EPA’s Dimock Fracking Probe
But who really believes that Obama is serious about green-lighting fracking? Continue reading Cabot Cites Obama Speech to Fault EPA’s Dimock Fracking Probe
Does Romney need new energy/environment advisers?
Meet the Romney EPA.. the same as the Bush EPA? Continue reading Does Romney need new energy/environment advisers?
Aardvark: BBC’s Bias For Green Climate Religion
BBC = British Brainwashing Channel. Continue reading Aardvark: BBC’s Bias For Green Climate Religion
Hostage: Clock ticking for wind energy tax credit
Let our fossil fuels go or the wind industry doesn’t get it in the wallet. Continue reading Hostage: Clock ticking for wind energy tax credit
Hawaiian greens make global warming work for them
Exploiting predicted sea-level rise to stop development. Continue reading Hawaiian greens make global warming work for them
Puerto Ricans oppose ‘el tubo de la muerte’ (tube of death)
It’s actually a gas pipeline that would reduce the price of electricity. Continue reading Puerto Ricans oppose ‘el tubo de la muerte’ (tube of death)
Chinese solar producers flood U.S. market ahead of upcoming ruling in trade case
It’s far better for American manufacturers to dump on American consumers? Continue reading Chinese solar producers flood U.S. market ahead of upcoming ruling in trade case
More hot air from Manchin
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is failing his state’s cash cow. Continue reading More hot air from Manchin
Obama to announce major offshore lease sale for Gulf of Mexico
Interesting how Obama announces Gulf of Mexico leases from out West instead of the Gulf region. Continue reading Obama to announce major offshore lease sale for Gulf of Mexico
NIH: Study shows caffeine consumption linked to estrogen changes
Will Starbucks be tobacco-ized for causing endometriosis, osteoporosis, and endometrial, breast, and ovarian cancers? Continue reading NIH: Study shows caffeine consumption linked to estrogen changes
Skeptics draws big crowd in Portland
Only one from the Nonsensus stood to be heard. Continue reading Skeptics draws big crowd in Portland