An entire year of hearings and effort down the drain. Thanks, Speaker Boehner. Continue reading Breaking: House GOP won’t include EPA riders in appropriations bill
Month: December 2011
Minot Daily News: ‘Should we trust the EPA?’
… on farm dust. Continue reading Minot Daily News: ‘Should we trust the EPA?’
Canadian greenhouse laws unconstitutional?
“We have just concluded a constitutional analysis of proposed federal regulation of greenhouse gases (GHG), and it is our view that these regulations run the risk of being unconstitutional.” Continue reading Canadian greenhouse laws unconstitutional?
Alarmists: Obama 2020 climate proposal a ‘death sentence’
Obama is alarming the alarmists. Continue reading Alarmists: Obama 2020 climate proposal a ‘death sentence’
WashPost: Obama $5 billion investment in EVs sputters
The Washington Post continues its assault on Obama’s green subsidies. Continue reading WashPost: Obama $5 billion investment in EVs sputters
Revkin’s interview of Naomi Klein
A few notes on former New York Times columnist and Climategater Andrew Revkin’s interview with Karl-Marx-in-a-skirt. Continue reading Revkin’s interview of Naomi Klein
Romney: Nukes would get money back guarantee
Ironically, capitalist Mitt Romney would take risk out of investing. Continue reading Romney: Nukes would get money back guarantee
House passes REINS Act: Obama threatens veto
Another great place for Republicans to draw a line in the sand. Continue reading House passes REINS Act: Obama threatens veto
GOP to take crack a light bulb ban in next session?
Promises, promises, that’s all we get. Continue reading GOP to take crack a light bulb ban in next session?
Fallback: Greens now for carbon capture
Meaningful carbon capture and storage (CCS) is physically and financially impossible. Continue reading Fallback: Greens now for carbon capture
Monckton risks life to deny alarmism
Watch Lord Monckton jump from a perfectly good airplane to deny and defy climate alarmism. Continue reading Monckton risks life to deny alarmism
Boxer: Skeptics ‘endangering humankind’
“Wishing that climate change will go away by clinging to a tiny minority view is not a policy — it is a fantasy.” Continue reading Boxer: Skeptics ‘endangering humankind’