Naomi Klein admits in The Nation that the skeptics are correct about the socio-political motives of climate alarmism. Continue reading Naomi Klein admits: Greens are reds
Month: November 2011
Muller flip-flops again?
Is Richard Muller climatically bipolar? Continue reading Muller flip-flops again?
Twin-study shows occupational chemical worker risk of Parkinson’s?
Radon causes skin cancer?
Can’t wait to buy anti-radon skin protection products. Continue reading Radon causes skin cancer?
Wastewater treatment fosters antibiotic resistance?
Antibiotic resistance hysteria hits water treatment. Continue reading Wastewater treatment fosters antibiotic resistance?
UK air: ‘State-sanctioned mass poisoning’?
We have successfully exported air pollution junk science. Continue reading UK air: ‘State-sanctioned mass poisoning’?
Mayo Clinic study confirms smoking ban efficacy?
The smoking ban-heart attack scam continues. Continue reading Mayo Clinic study confirms smoking ban efficacy?
EU adopts guidelines on airport body scanners
Privacy is a good reason to question the use of airport scanners; cancer risk is a bogus one. Continue reading EU adopts guidelines on airport body scanners
New book: 80% of DOE loans to Obama contributors
Check out this new book from Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer. Continue reading New book: 80% of DOE loans to Obama contributors
WashPost: Before Solyndra, a long history of failed government energy projects
“Perhaps the federal government is, as former Obama economic adviser Lawrence Summers put it, “a crappy VC,” or venture capitalist.” Continue reading WashPost: Before Solyndra, a long history of failed government energy projects
WashPost embraces ‘broken window’ economics
Robbing Peter to pay Paul is a crime, not a successful economic policy. Continue reading WashPost embraces ‘broken window’ economics
Daily Caller Interview: Lord Monckton
It’s always good to hear from Lord Monckton. Continue reading Daily Caller Interview: Lord Monckton