You mean it’s not the barely detectable change in the bogus “mean global temperature” construct? Continue reading Debunked: Climate change not to blame for increased forest fires
Day: October 24, 2011
Water shortage from reduced glacier melt debunked?
Research begins to replace hysteria. Continue reading Water shortage from reduced glacier melt debunked?
Cornell: Keystone XL a net job killer
Cornell is not called the “Big Red” for nothing. Continue reading Cornell: Keystone XL a net job killer
Lisa Jackson: 'Don't breathe the air'
The latest from Lisa Jackson’s “Save Our Over-regulation Tour” — get it? Continue reading Lisa Jackson: 'Don't breathe the air'
Green menu: Anchovy, not pork chops, for you
Peruvian anchovy — it’s what’s for dinner in the brave new green order. Continue reading Green menu: Anchovy, not pork chops, for you
New green hypocrisy: 'Personal eco-concierges'
Greenwashing for the rich is pretty funny. Continue reading New green hypocrisy: 'Personal eco-concierges'
BPA causes emotional, behavioral problems in girl toddlers?
Is canned food your girl toddler’s problem? Continue reading BPA causes emotional, behavioral problems in girl toddlers?