Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck

By Steve Milloy
July 6, 2011, The Washington Times

The next month is a good time for Congressional Republicans to move beyond empty gestures to solve the job-killing and economy-slowing problem that is the Obama Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck

Obama admin funds $200K poll to psych-out Republicans on climate

A Stanford social psychologist claims his poll of 1,001 adults conducted in November 2010 shows that Republican candidates who take a “green” position on climate change gain far more votes from Democrat and Independent voters than they lose from Republican voters.

The “non-green” position included the statement that “climate science is junk science” and that “cap-and-trade is a job killer and damages our economy.”

The poll was funded by a September 2010 grant from the Obama administration’s National Science Foundation in the amount of $200,000.

Isn’t it nice that the Obama administration is trying to help Republicans get elected? Very post-partisan.

Juliet Eilperin flouts WashPost Ombudsman

In November 2009, Washington Post Ombudsman Andrew Alexander excused reporter Juliet Eilperin’s biased coverage of climate stories, but he also warned her that readers would be watching — presumably even on national holidays like the Fourth of July. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin flouts WashPost Ombudsman

Can't kill snake oil with a stick: Medicare to keep paying for Avastin

Medicare and Medicaid will continue to pay for Avastin prescribed for breast cancer even though the drug offers no meaningful benefits — certainly none worth $88,000 per patient per year to taxpayers. It will be hard to control the Medicare entitlement if snake oil is to be made available on demand.