Enviros aim to kill Alaskan drilling by starving, dismantling pipeline

The Wall Street Journal editorial page observes in “Alaska’s Ebbing Oil“:

…In its 1980s heyday, the 800-mile pipeline pushed some 2.2 million barrels of oil a day from Alaska’s North Slope to the port of Valdez. Yet as the rich fields of Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River have declined, oil flow has dropped to one-third of that volume. The drop-off is now causing serious technical problems, as slow-flowing oil drops in temperature and clogs and corrodes the pipe. Failing a technological fix, or more oil, the pipe’s near-term viability is at risk.

Environmentalists know that if the pipeline is shut down, by law it must be dismantled. If they can starve the pipeline of supply, they can kill Alaskan drilling….

To parapharase John Donne’s Meditation XVII:

Any energy source denied diminishes us, because we are involved in an energy intensive society and therefore never send to know for whom the gas pump tolls it tolls for our standard of living.

Chris Christie embraces energy central planning

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced a revised energy “master plan” for New Jersey that embraces natural gas, energy efficiency and economically failing renewable energy technologies (i.e., solar and wind), merely “considers” nuclear power, and shuns more coal, which currently produces 14% of the electricity used in the state. Did Christie miss the 20th century’s lessons about central planning? You can watch Christie’s press conference here.

Can Congressional Republicans be trained? JunkScience.com releases childhood asthma-air pollution fact sheet ahead of Senate hearing

Senate Democrats will hold a show trial of sorts tomorrow about air quality and asthma in children. Because Congressional Republicans generally stink at such hearings, JunkScience is releasing this fact sheet to help them out. Continue reading Can Congressional Republicans be trained? JunkScience.com releases childhood asthma-air pollution fact sheet ahead of Senate hearing

Environmental Protection (Or Propaganda?) Agency

JunkScience.com friends Paul Driessen and Willie Soon nail the EPA in today’s Investor’s Business Daily:

If Federal Register notices, press releases and activist campaigns assured progress, the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rules for 84 power plant pollutants would usher in vastly improved environmental quality and human health.

Unfortunately, the opposite is likelier…

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