Public health 'achievement': Accounting fraud in childhood lead poisoning prevention

It’s too bad prosecutors aren’t interested in public health accounting fraud? Continue reading Public health 'achievement': Accounting fraud in childhood lead poisoning prevention

Poll: Gambling an infectious disease?

Which of the following is not like the others?

  • Gambling
  • HIV
  • Smallpox

If you picked “gambling”, you’d be out of step with the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases which is apparently trying to medicalize politically incorrect social behavior with this new study. BTW, HIV and smallpox were the subjects of the other two stories spotlighted in the journal’s media release.

What do you think?

Is gambling a public health problem?

Past extinction rates 'overestimated', but doom 'just around corner', says new study

A new study in Nature reports that early-1980s predictions that as many as half the species on Earth would be lost by 2000 were “overestimated.” Continue reading Past extinction rates 'overestimated', but doom 'just around corner', says new study

‘Cold as hell’ may be accurate sentiment, study says

Expressions like “cold as hell,” “snowball’s chance in hell” and “cold day in hell” may be more/less accurate than previously believed, according to a new study in Nature. Continue reading ‘Cold as hell’ may be accurate sentiment, study says

Republican drilling bill seriously flawed

Sen. Mitch McConnell has introduced a bill to open up offshore oil and gas drilling and to expedite the permitting and judicial review process. While this sounds great, S. 953 has serious flaws with respect to its judicial review provisions. Continue reading Republican drilling bill seriously flawed