Coal exec: ‘More coal. All the time.’

Don’t miss Peabody Energy exec Fred Palmer’s unapologetic interview with The Guardian (UK). Notable quotes include:

  • “We’re 100% coal. More coal. Everywhere. All the time.”
  • “We don’t have a political allegiance. We’re Americans and our political party is coal.”
  • “Anyone who has the notion that we’re going to move away from fossil fuels just isn’t paying attention.”

Amen, brother.

Scoundrel CFL makers lobby against consumers

Light bulb makers, in the form of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, will be testifying against a repeal of the 2007 federal light bulb law on March 10 before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The trade group and its member firms have been making their lobbying rounds on Capitol Hill this week. According to the Clean Energy Report,

In arguing for keeping the standards, industry is citing the potential for any repeal to increase energy costs for consumers and undercut years of preparation by the industry for the new standards.

There is no evidence that these standards are anything but a giant consumer rip-off — i.e., we pay more for faulty and inferior bulbs under the false guises of saving the planet from global warming and energy efficiency.

Who wants to sponsor a “Boston light bulb party”?

Penn State's Integrity Crisis Heats Up

Penn State’s “exoneration” of hokey stick inventor Michael Mann is not improving with age. As thoroughly reported today at, Climategate figure Eugene Wahl confessed to deleting e-mails at Mann’s request — a discovery that not only raises further questions about Mann’s honesty to Penn State investigators, but one that should also focus attention on the school’s shoddy investigation of Climategate.

Oregon Dems attack climate skeptic’s children

Democrat-run Oregon State University is apparently retaliating against climate skeptic and congressional candidate Dr. Art Robinson by taking action without cause against his three graduate student children.

Robinson put together the petition against climate alarmism signed by 31,000+ U.S. scientists and unsuccessfully challenged Rep. Peter DeFazio in OR-4 last year.

This could make Climategate look like a parking ticket.

Oregon Dems attack climate skeptic’s children

Democrat-run Oregon State University is apparently retaliating against climate skeptic and Republican congressional candidate Dr. Art Robinson by taking action without cause against his three graduate student children.

Robinson put together the petition against climate alarmism signed by 31,000+ U.S. scientists and unsuccessfully challenged Rep. Peter DeFazio in OR-4 last year.

Read the full story.

Sierra Club chief admits lobbying for business

At the Wall Street Journal ECO:nomics conference today, Sierra Club chief Carl Pope casually mentioned that the Sierra Club sits down with corporations having environmental regulatory problems and then uses its expertise in “changing public policy” to help the corporation solve its problem with the government — a novel role for a non-profit organization that is supposed to be working in the public interest. Pope didn’t mention whether the Sierra Club is paid for its “expertise,” but perhaps some of its corporate donors could answer that question.

CAGW hysteria risks public health

Activists love to talk about the hypothetical far-future “health risks” of a less-cold planet. They are not so keen to discuss the very real harms caused by their hysterical anti-carbon claims here and now. We at are not so reticent.

Continue reading CAGW hysteria risks public health

Shell wants you to walk

At the annual Rentseekers Ball (aka the Wall Street Journal’s ECO:nomics Conference), Royal Dutch Shell gave attendees room-warming gifts — pedometers, with a note that was headlined “Take the First Step.” If they want us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so much, why do they sell us gasoline?

How to speed nuke permits: ‘Issue them’

At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Cory Power (R-CO) asked panel witness Dan Reicher — a longtime anti-nuke campaigner trying to position himself as some sort of “clean energy” expert — what could be done to accelerate the issuance of nuke plant permits.

While Reicher stammered and temporized, another witness (possibly W. David Montgomery of Charles River Associates) took the microphone and ironically declared, “Issue them.”

Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level

At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) asked panel witness Gina McCarthy — chief of EPA’s air programs, including the agency’s greenhouse gas regulations — whether she had any idea of what the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is, SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE DID NOT! Continue reading Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level