15 thoughts on “Obama Energy Sec.: ‘I Don’t Own A Car’”

  1. Steven Chu lives in Chevy Chase, MD, one of the most expensive ZIP codes in the US. It is still quite far from the DoE headquarters, but since he is a Cabinet Official, he is driven by his security detail with a bulletproof black Cadillac SUV. His travels is equivalent to 2 cars, since 1 is for his security.

    To be fair, he wanted to ride a bike to work, but the Administration wouldn’t allow him. One time he did, and his security had to follow using motorized bicycles, and they were honked and almost cut off, so they decided it wasn’t safe.

    I know that it may seem excessive to provide security for Cabinet members, but I think it’s because they are in Presidential line of Succession. For ex after 911, they activated “Continuity of Government” plan, where every member of Bush cabinet had to be quickly whisked out of DC. Granted, this was a Cold War era plan in case of Nuclear attack. But again to be fair, Cabinet Secretaries, especially Steven Chu, is getting more controversial each day, due to Obama’s very aggressive energy policy, so threats against them are quite real.

  2. If what you say about Chu’s wife owning a car is true (I’m going to guess that it is the top of the line Lexus or something along those lines) then Chu was being deceptive. It’s clear that he is chagrined to acknowledge that his family wouldn’t go anywhere near the very car, the Volt, that he and his cohorts foisted on the American taxpayer. A car owned and operated by Chu’s wife is still a car owned by Chu himself since it would most likely be considered community property within the marriage.

    Meanwhile Chu is chauffered around in the the Energy Dept’s fleet of big black Lincoln Navigators or GMC Yukon Denalis.

  3. Chu doesn’t need a car because he has a limo and driver and probably his own security. We pay for his gasoline. However his wife owns and drives a big gas guzzler. The question is who pays for her gas?

  4. If i lived and worked in DC, I’d sell my cars, especially if I had chauffeured service to and from work. If I wanted to do any personal driving, I’d rent. Much cheaper. But this guy is such an ideologue and is so out of touch with the world, he is a very bad joke.

  5. He won’t need a car- he has the choice of government vehicles like the Ford Explorer or the GMC equivalent with high powered V8’s. Hypocrite in the extreme.

  6. Reminds me of Barbara Castle, U.K. Minister for Transport in the 70’s who didn’t have a drivers licence.

  7. Slightly deceptive on his part, he doesn’t count the government planes and limousines. They probably get a good laugh out of that at Barack and Michelle Antoinette’s parties.

  8. Princess Shiela Jackson Lee has an apartment about one block away from her office building and has a government owned vehicle pick her up every day and drive her to work and back to her apartment. Why should an agency head be treated any different. Anyone who matches a green tie w/a blue shirt shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car anyway.

  9. Don’t knock Dr Chu, he’s very busy. Remember, he has an economy to wreck, and that takes all his strength.

  10. He doesn’t own a car! Isn’t that nice for him. He has enough money and wealth to live very close to his work unlike the majority of us who have to drive to work. I suspect that Juan is right on the money with his lifestyle. Probably would like everyone to live in the Russian style apartments – small so they don’t use very much energy to maintain with one bedroom per family but close to the center of the city or a .subway. Of course,as a member of the ruling class he and his elitist friends would be allowed a larger apartment and a dacha outside the city.

  11. Ain’t that grand! Here’s a guy who lives like a prince of yore … the peasants serve his every need and he is so, so superior to all but the king obozo. Too bad congress can’t take away all his perks for …. say six months …. make this tool of marxism pump AND pay for his own gasoline. Make him do his own shopping and driving. Give the fool a taste of what we the people must do every single day. I am fed up with these morons who isolate themselves from everyday Americans dictating what’s good for us. Bring them down and make them live by the rules they create!

  12. This is the status he wants for all of us but, I will bet that he gets a car or someone to drive him around in one any time he wants on the taxpayers dime.

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