Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

Interestingly, Balmes’ current EPA air quality grant — worth $4.76 million — runs out in June 2019. With any luck, EPA will not renew.

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From my cold dead lips…

I was refused a straw last week at a Washington, DC restaurant last week. Apparently (who knew?) straws were banned on January 1 and restaurants have until July 1 to comply with the irrational dictate. I just ordered “soda shop style” plastic straws from Amazon. The law says restaurants can’t provide plastic straws. It doesn’t say I can’t bring my own. Who would ever have though straws would become a front in the struggle for liberty?

As per my 2009 best seller, “Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them” (Regnery, 2009). there is no part of your life that the totalitarian greens don’t want to own and operate.

Hypocrite of the Day: CARB Chief Mary Nichols

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has sued the Trump administration over the proposed freezing of the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards. suggests the Trump administration respond to CARB chief Mary Nichols the way she responded to Congress in 1997.

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Third court upholds Trump reform of EPA science advisory process

When you’re right, you’re right… and we were right.

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GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz goes Al Gore; JunkScience challenges Gaetz to debate

In an effort to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory following the unanimous Senate defeat of the Green New Deal last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is introducing an alternative bill to the Green New Deal, called the Green Real Deal. In a commentary published today, Gaetz channels Al Gore and Gore’s “The debate is over” claim, writing: “The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.” JunkScience was the first to challenge Al Gore to debate in January 2006. Let us be the first to challenge Gaetz on his foolishness. Let’s go at it, Congressman. If debating climate is so “stupid,” it should be a lay-up to waste me.

Calabrese: Government… not private sector… funds vast majority of hormesis research

“Thus, it appears that supporting hormesis research does not appear to have been a broad and active strategy by the private sector to influence regulatory processes.” Read the paper.

JunkScience and friends make the resistance howl on PM2.5

EPA CASAC fossil Bernie Goldstein howls in the Washington Post at the changes at EPA regarding PM2.5. From and its friends… you are all very welcome.

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Stan Young study exposes publication bias, p-hacking, and junk meta analysis in environmental epidemiology — and rubbishes a highly-cited air quality paper in the process

Since the days of the EPA secondhand smoke risk assessment, has had contempt for the bogus statistical technique of meta-analysis. We have also taken the lead in exposing as fraud claims that ambient air quality kills people. friend Stan Young has just published a new paper dismantling a major 2012 air quality study (headlined below) as the product of publication bias and p-hacking, thus exposing its meta analysis methodology as just a bunch of junk.

The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) · 17 Feb 2012, Fri · Page 15

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Study: No kids ‘poisoned’ by lead in Flint water

Child blood lead levels actually slightly declined from harmless to even less harmless during the crisis. This study has been out for two weeks. No media outlet has reported it. It was much more fun and profitable for the #FakeNews media to report the scare as below.

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Who was LNT inventor Herman Muller? A lunatic eugenicist-communist.

The guy who saddled the world with the junk science-fueled linear no-threshold model of carcinogenesis was a fraudster — as Ed Calabrese has well documented and has spotlighted. But science fraud is really only part of Muller’s story. Before science fraud, there was Muller’s idea of eugenics-for-communism.

Continue reading Who was LNT inventor Herman Muller? A lunatic eugenicist-communist.