Mercury is NOT TOXIC to anyone…

… at ambient exposure levels in the U.S. Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental over-Protection Agency proposed “the first-ever national standards for mercury, arsenic and other toxic air pollution from power plants.” The EPA stated, Toxic air pollutants like mercury from coal- and oil-fired power plants have been shown to cause neurological damage, including lower IQ, in … Continue reading Mercury is NOT TOXIC to anyone…

Candidates don't come clean on coal

By Steven Milloy October 16, 2008, A squabble about “clean coal” has broken among the presidential candidates. Neither side has leveled with voters. Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden kicked off the controversy in September when he commented at an Ohio campaign stop that, “We’re not supporting clean coal.” He then had to back … Continue reading Candidates don't come clean on coal

Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

The Biden EPA plans to return to the good old pre-Trump days of regulating based on fake benefit-cost analysis. You can file your written comments with EPA here. The deadline is June 14,2021. The Federal Register announcement is here. Please support in our fight against the bad guys! Please support in our fight … Continue reading Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

Milloy oral comments to EPA Science Advisory Board on Trump EPA deregulatory effects

My comments just delivered to the EPA Science Advisory Board about their draft review letters concerning the Trump EPA proposals for rolling back the Obama fuel economy standards, the science transparency rule, the Mercury Air Toxics Standards rule and the Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS).

JunkScience petitions White House for epidemiology standards

As long as I’ve been involved in federal regulatory issues (since 1990), regulators have used junk epidemiology to justify overregulation. For the first time ever, we have an administration that is committed to stopping overregulation. So petitioned the Trump administration today to stop the misuse and abuse of epidemiology by issuing epidemiologic standards for … Continue reading JunkScience petitions White House for epidemiology standards