Milloy on OANN talks FBI failure to prevent Jan. 6 invasion of the Capitol

The FBI knew the Capitol was going to be beset by troublemakers before the events of January 6, but failed to take action to prevent it. The FBI lied to the media about what it knew and when. I discussed that tonight on OANN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney.

Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI will accomplish nothing for environment

My column in today’s Erie Times-News (PA) on Gov. Tom Wolf’s bid to ensnare Pennsylvania in the Northeast state cap-and-tax scheme known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

Continue reading Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI will accomplish nothing for environment

2020 proves John Kerry correct on climate

The latest from the masters of the fiddled temperature data is that 2020 tied 2016 for ‘hottest year.’ I guess that means the last four years of emissions — 200+ billion tons CO2e — were irrelevant temperature-wise. No wonder John Kerry said at the 2015 Paris climate confab that emissions cuts are meaningless. Never forget.

The Greens Ear-ie Ad: Groups Use Scare Tactics to Fight Technology

Remember back in 1999 when the anti-biotech greens tried to scare us with the full-page newspaper ad below? They were lying and wrong 22 years ago and nothing has changed since. Below is my Washington Times column on this ad from December 10, 1999.

Continue reading The Greens Ear-ie Ad: Groups Use Scare Tactics to Fight Technology

Biden’s Climate Policy: Made in China

Biden climate czar-to-be Gina McCarthy is the head of the Communist China-funded Natural Resources Defense Council and a professor at the Communist China-owned Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Biden’s climate policies will help Communist China and harm the US. You do the math.