Steve Milloy Webinar on PM2.5 Science Fraud Today at 2pm ET

I am giving a webinar titled, “PM2.5: The Most Demonstrable Science Fraud of Our Time” at 2pm ET today. The sponsor is a Dutch organization called “De Groene Rekenkamer” [The Green Accounting Office], a group of about 1,000 journalists, scientists and engineers. The link to join is here.

An apple a day kills 3.8 people from air pollution per year?

The latest (EPA-funded) PM2.5 horror story is that PM2.5 from farm emissions kills 17,000 people per year. Thanks to PM2.5 science fraud, you can now even figure out just how “deadly” the food you eat is.

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‘Settled Science’ Devastated: Solar activity may control El Nino/La Nina, study says

El Nino exerts powerful control on Earth’s climate today. “Now there’s emerging research to suggest that cosmic rays, or positively charged, high-energy particles from space, might be the mechanism that flips the switch between phases.” Read the WaPo report: Web | PDF. Read the study: Web | PDF. Please support

IEA report shows Biden climate policies make US entirely dependent on China

Check out how Biden climate policies (i.e., more wind, solar and EVs) would increase out dependency on China for raw materials and processing.

… and don’t forget to support!

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Study: Global warming disasters make men beat, rape and kill women

This might be true. Look what Al Gore (and more) did:

Please support in the fight to save our country, freedoms and standard of living.

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Bill Nye wishes climate skeptics would die faster

Sociopath Bill Nye (the Science Guy) says climate skeptics are not dying fast enough: “There’s an old saying — ‘science proceeds one funeral at a time,’ but it’s not happening fast enough.” Climate skeptics are so unbeatably correct that climate bedwetters like Nye can (and do) only wish us dead. [Source: Web | PDF]

Your Immediate Help Requested: Nominate members for EPA’s independent science advisory boards

We need your help and the deadline is Monday, May 3, 2021. On or about March 30, 2021, Biden EPA chief Michael Regan fired all of EPA’s independent science advisers and rolled back important anti-corruption measures implemented by the Trump EPA to ensure the independence and balance of these boards as required by law. For background on this, read my Washington Times column. EPA is now taking nominations for new members. The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, May 3, 2021. Read on to help nominate scientists and experts for the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). You can nominate yourself or someone else. This is very important.

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Off-script Biden admits US action on climate is pointless

During his April 28, 2021 address to Congress, Joe Biden went off-script and admitted that US action on climate is pointless: “If we do everything perfectly, it’s not going to ultimately matter“. The clip and text of his prepared remarks are below. Bottom line: Biden wants to spend trillions on climate. He will ‘pay’ for it by raising billions in taxes. And “it’s not going to matter.” Eighty million people voted for that? Please support Donate!

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Nope… PM2.5 does NOT disproportionately affect people of color

A new EPA-funded study reports that people of color are disproportionately affected by PM2.5. It’s too stupid for words.

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