EU climate idiocy eviscerated by Czech PM Andrej Babiš

At COP-26 today, the Czech PM Andrej Babiš completely dismantles EU climate idiocy, including its “Green Deal” and “Fit for 55” climate package. An awesome watch. Please support You wouldn’t even hear this mentioned anywhere else.

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Former CASAC chair added as plaintiff in Young v. EPA

Tony Cox, the former chairman of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, has been added as a plaintiff to the Young v. EPA suit about EPA’s illegal stacking of agency science advisory boards with grant-recipient cronies. The amended complaint is here. Here is media coverage of the lawsuit: Washington Times | Legal Insurrection | Daily Signal | Report Door | Epoch Times | Reuters | Law360 | National Review | Daily Caller | Bloomberg Law | Fox News

Preliminary injunction sought in Young v. EPA

Just filed, here is the memorandum in support of a preliminary injunction against EPA in Young v. EPA. Dr. Young has asked the court to step in immediately and to block EPA from starting the CASAC advisory process until the CASAC can be reconstituted in the balanced manner required by the law. Dr. Young and other highly qualified scientists were purposefully and unlawfully excluded from CASAC so that EPA’s panel of hand-picked grant recipient cronies could rubberstamp, in an expedited manner, the agency’s predetermined regulatory agenda with respect to fine particulate matter in outdoor air called “PM2.5.” EPA has clearly violated the intent and letter of the law. If allowed to proceed with its corrupt panel, EPA and the public will be deprived of Dr. Young’s expert, independent and unbiased views. Given the significance of PM2.5 science to EPA PM2.5 regulations, which have been the basis of EPA’s most consequential and costly air quality and climate regulations, it is incumbent up EPA to base regulatory decisions on the best available science vs. the corrupt process in place now. Here is my op-ed about the case in today’s Washington Times.


Milloy talks EPA lawsuit, Google demonetization, & energy crisis with OANN’s Kara McKinney

From the October 8, 2021 episode of OANN’s Tipping Point.

The EPA PM railroad begins rolling

After science advisor cleansing and reconstituting science advisory boards with its rubber-stamping cronies, the EPA PM2.5 railroad is ready to roll. It has an ‘updated assessment’ out and ready for rubberstamping, starting with EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel of cronies. The ostensible goal is to cut the PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) from 12 millionths of a gram per cubic meter to 8. What stands in the way of all this fraud is Young v. EPA.


JunkScience statement on Google demonetization of climate realist sites

Google’s announced demonetization of web sites that expose the climate hoax does nothing but validate what climate realists have been saying for years: It’s not about the climate; it’s about the political power. If what we were saying was wrong, we would have been laughed off the Internet long ago. Instead, reality is validating us and public support for climate idiocy is going nowhere. Just this morning, the New York Times reported that climate even polls badly among Democrats — an issue for “weird, very white liberal people.” Google’s move will have no effect on climate realist web sites for the simple reason that the ad revenue is pretty trivial. We don’t know of any climate realist who blogs for the Google ad revenue. We do it, because we oppose the abuse of science, especially as it is being used to advance totalitarianism. Google’s demonetization is an admission that we are winning, a treasure far more valuable than Google ad revenue. Winning… with or without a few shekels from Google.


Don’t miss Media Research Center/Newsbusters coverage of this story.
