Despite invading Ukraine, clueless John Kerry hopes Putin will stay focused on climate

From a February 23 BBC interview: “I hope President Putin will help us with respect to what we need to do to stay on track with the climate.” Unbelievable. Video clip below.

Nutritionist La-La-Land Rocked: No cardiovascular benefits from eating vegetables, reports large study

‘Settled science’ and food nannying takes another body low.

Continue reading Nutritionist La-La-Land Rocked: No cardiovascular benefits from eating vegetables, reports large study

Biden EPA chief vows to ignore Supreme Court on EPA regulation of coal plants

What an actual threat to our democracy looks like. EPA has no statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants. Although the Supreme Court is taking up the question on Feb. 28, the Biden regime doesn’t care what the Court holds. It plans to aggressively regulate emissions from coal plants anyway. As reported by Politico’s “Morning Energy” report today:

How we know Congress never intended for EPA to regulate greenhouse gases

Check out this clip from the late-Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), a co-author of the Clean Air Act. The authors of the law thought it was “clear enough” that EPA was “NOT” authorized to regulate greenhouse gases and that only a “stupid” Supreme Court would hold otherwise. Under our system of government, the legislative branch writes the laws for the executive branch to implement and the role of the judicial branch is to clean up controversies. But in its 2007 decision in Massachusetts v. EPA, the Supreme Court ignored Congress to invent regulatory authority for EPA. On Feb. 28, the Court will hear argument in West Virgina v. EPA that may repair, as Rep. Dingell said, its “very much erroneous decision.”

BTW, you are able to watch this important video because happened to be watching this hearing on Jan. 28. 2014. No one else has this clip. So please support!

Crony-stacked CASAC set to rubberstamp EPA PM2.5 science fraud

EPA released draft letters for CASAC to rubberstamp at meetings upcoming later this month and in early March. Here are the draft CASAC letters on PM2.5 science and policy. The only short-term hope for derailing this railroad of fraud is Young v. EPA, for which we are awaiting a decision at anytime.

Climate fish scare turns out to be just a fish story

Turns out carbon dioxide emissions and the made-up ‘ocean acidification’ — which produced idiocy like the below — is not preventing Nemo from finding his way home, per a new study.

Continue reading Climate fish scare turns out to be just a fish story

Milloy talks Pittsburgh bridge collapse and Biden climate agenda reliance on China with Kara McKinney on OANN

From the January 31, 2022 episode of Tipping Point.

PM2.5 reaching new depths of fraud: Cleaner air is deadlier air?

Breathing any air is just too dangerous. So stop it. The EPA and auto/truck industry rentseeker-funded Health Effects Institute has a new study claiming that cleaner air increases the risk of death — see highlighted text below. Just shockingly dishonest and stupid. As always, all you need to know about the PM2.5 hoax is contained in Scare Pollution. The fraudulent study and related HEI links are here. We are still awaiting the decision in Young v. EPA which could prevent EPA from using this fraud to justify more PM2.5-based regulation.
