My presentation at the Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change.
EPA brief filed in Young v. EPA
EPA’s brief is here. My quick summary of the agency’s argument on appeal is: 1) You can’t sue us; and 2) Even if you could, we can do whatever we want. While that is the standard government agency defense, I doubt that Congress intended for EPA to rig mandatory peer review.
Global warming solved: All we need is more climate agreements?
Climate apocalyptic Katharine Hayhoe recently told PBS that the Paris Climate Accord is already working. preliminarily confirms this.
Continue reading Global warming solved: All we need is more climate agreements?
Tucker Carlson slams new IPCC report
For the second time in the past week, Tucker Carlson slammed climate idiocy in his opening monologue… including using material from our first Wrong Again report.
Net Zero? Never Mind!
‘Wrong Again’ report featured by Tucker Carlson in opening monologue
The report “Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions,” written by Myron Ebell and myself, was featured tonight on Tucker Carlson Tonight in his opening monologue. Don’t miss the other reports in the “Wrong Again” series: Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying and Wrong Again: Al Gore Nobel Lecture Edition.
No Marty Makary, there is no evidence PFAS in the environment cause any harm whatsoever
I respect Marty Makary a lot. He does great work on COVID. But for some reason, Fox Business’ Stuart Varney invited Marty on his show today to talk about EPA cracking down on PFAS in drinking water. Watch the video below. Unfortunately, Marty obviously doesn’t really have any knowledge or experience with EPA “science” and standard setting. Although PFAS don’t readily breakdown in the body or environment and everyone has been exposed to them, none of that means that environmental or drinking water exposures to PFAS are dangerous or have caused any harm. And there, in fact, is no evidence they have, despite hundreds of studies. There are so many studies, none which show anything, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. But if you have one for me to debunk I am happy to do it. The larger point is that everyone has got to know their limitations. I don’t practice surgery because I am not trained to do it. But I am uniquely qualified to pass judgment on EPA “science” because I have worked on that tragedy for 32+ years.
EPA and PM2.5: No Science, No Bodies, Just Fraud
My PM2.5 webinar from today courtesy of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The slide show is here. The webinar (with Q&A) is below.
PM2.5: Mass Killer or Mass Fraud?
EPA is proposing once again to tighten the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 for the reasons summarized by EPA, below. What is PM2.5 and does it kill people?
Climate Fact Check: February 2023 Edition
Ten pieces of climate propaganda from February 2023 exposed and debunked. The full PDF version (needed to click through to the links) is here.
Appellant brief filed in Young v. EPA
Round 2 gets started in the only lawsuit that can derail the Biden EPA’s PM2.5 railroad. Read the opening brief of appellants Stan Young and Tony Cox.
Fake ‘fact-checked’ again: Big Climate can’t explain no US warming since 2005
So shoots at (but misses) the messenger.
Continue reading Fake ‘fact-checked’ again: Big Climate can’t explain no US warming since 2005