2 thoughts on “Implausible Climate Goals For a Non-Existent Emissions Crisis, Steve Milloy”

  1. The human condition of Western Nations is that the people have been seduced into kicking religion and patriotism to the curb by the siren song of one global “nation”. Because of this childish view of life and culture, the people find themselves bereft of things to believe in and support whole heartedly, so they grasp at any and every shinny new idea that comes down the pike. They are easily led astray by false prophets because they NEED to believe in something.

    Along comes “catastrophic” global warming, supposedly caused by plant food (CO2). We are blasted with end of the world scenarios and told it is US that is responsible with our motor cars, backyard barbecues, heated and cooled homes, etc. Of course the end of life as we know it is supposedly some 50 to 100 years off in the future. Scientists and writers have been debunking the whole CAGW nonsense for as long as CAGW has existed in the press, yet the schmucks cling to this religion and just like the Auto de Fey of the 15th and later centuries, anyone not subscribing to this rubbish is deemed a heretic and set up with the object of destroying them.

    The Cardinals of this church are no less dangerous than the ones back then. They drive the believers into a constant frenzy of fear to be unleashed upon the “deniers”. However, after decades of “we’re all gonna die, DIE I tell ya!” even the slow boats in the crowd are catching on that it’s a massive scam to take our money and our freedoms. The real object is to destroy our economy and freedoms until the advanced nations look like the Middle Ages, ruled over by the new royalty who deny themselves nothing, and us everything. They really would like to kill off half of us and are working to make it happen. Covid. QED.

  2. Great work, Steve,
    You deserve a medal for the logic & reason you are getting across to more & more of the population, especially the ‘Leaders’, whose supplies of ignorance [including of course, ignorance of the extent of their ignorance] are so much greater than yours……….

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