National Academy of Sciences reviewing EPA’s illegal human experiments

You remember… the ones where EPA made old, people, sick people, and children inhale high levels of diesel exhaust, chlorine gas, and smog in order to validate its junk science air quality epidemiology.

MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues

Greenwire’s Robin Bravender and Amanda Peterka apparently can’t even manage he-said-she-said journalism. EPA said everything was okay and, well, what else matters — especially if you’re a journalist who wants to have access to EPA in the future?

Another EPA Dirty Secret: Agency’s hushed-up human experiments debunk ozone health claims

EPA has proposed to tighten its standards for ozone in outdoor air. However, ozone in outdoor air, especially at current levels, doesn’t hurt anyone and the EPA knows it… but EPA doesn’t want you to know it. Here is a short exposé based on EPA documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.