No, radiation doesn’t cause gene mutations

The illustration below is from the December 1953 issue of Mechanix Illustrated. So where did people get the still-never-demonstrated idea that radiation could cause genetic mutations, if not mutant beings? You can trace it all back radiation-scare fraudster Herman Muller and his bogus 1927 paper in Science magazine, “Artificial Transmutation of the Gene,” which led … Continue reading No, radiation doesn’t cause gene mutations

Mother of all cancer risk assessment regulation found to be science fraud

Climate junk scientist James Hansen wasn’t the first to use the term “loaded dice” in regard to alleged human enhancement of environmental risk. That “honor” goes to Science magazine which use the term in its editorial heralding its May 1957 publication of the foundational paper of all cancer risk assessment, E.B. Lewis’ “Leukemia and Ionizing … Continue reading Mother of all cancer risk assessment regulation found to be science fraud

More appalling LNT fraud from the National Academy of Sciences

In his new paper, Ed Calabrese reports that the ever-fraudulent National Academy of Sciences ignored data showing no genetic damage among the Japanese atomic bomb survivors because it would expose the limitations of extrapolating from animal data.

Who was LNT inventor Herman Muller? A lunatic eugenicist-communist.

The guy who saddled the world with the junk science-fueled linear no-threshold model of carcinogenesis was a fraudster — as Ed Calabrese has well documented and has spotlighted. But science fraud is really only part of Muller’s story. Before science fraud, there was Muller’s idea of eugenics-for-communism.

Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Nobel prize winner Hermann Muller knowingly lied when he claimed in 1946 that there is no safe level of radiation exposure, a new study asserts.