Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

My appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show Wednesday amid the apocalyptic air in New York City has set of the greens, including: Salon, The Independent (UK), Newsweek, The Telegraph (UK), Rolling Stone, The New Republic, MSNBC, USA Today, Mediaite, Media Matters, the Washington Post and more. Only PolitiFact had the decency to ask me questions me. … Continue reading Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

Milloy to EPA CASAC PM Subpanel: EPA’s assessment of PM2.5 is science fraud

Below is my testimony at today’s public meeting of EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel concerning EPA’s updated assessment of PM2.5 science. Not surprisingly, the EPA air pollution mafia declined my challenge to point out where I was wrong… because I’m not. Former UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom also provided great comments. They are here. EPA’s CASAC PM … Continue reading Milloy to EPA CASAC PM Subpanel: EPA’s assessment of PM2.5 is science fraud

Is Communist China stealing Medicare data through air pollution researchers?

Check out Jim Enstrom’s letter to the editor of Nature about 69 million Medicare records made available to Chinese researchers in the US. The lead researcher mentioned is Emory University’s Liuhua Shi, who is from China and may still be a Chinese national. Is anyone making sure China isn’t stealing personal and private Medicare data?

HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards and friends — including Steve Milloy, Jim Enstrom, Stan Young, John Dunn and others — have worked for more than 20 years to achieve this result. A Biden administration will undoubtedly try to overturn this decision. So we will have to continue fighting the PM2.5 fraudsters. Meantime, this is a BIG win. More info: … Continue reading HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards

British Medical Journal hides peer review critical of new air quality study

About the new PM2.5-kills study debunked here yesterday, former UCLA epidemiologist and ally Jim Enstrom tells me: “BMJ asked me to review the manuscript for this paper in January. I gave BMJ a SUPER-NEGATIVE nine-page review. BMJ is supposed to show the peer-review history of all research papers, but the Peer Review link for … Continue reading British Medical Journal hides peer review critical of new air quality study

WINNING… EPA CASAC panel votes to leave PM standards alone

EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) voted 4-2 last week to advise EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler that the existing air quality standards for particulate matter (PM) do NOT need to be tightened.

Milloy presentation to EPA CASAC re claim that PM kills

The (resistance) EPA staff continues to insist that particulate matter in outdoor air kills people. Today the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) took public comment on EPA’ most recent scientific assessment. Below are my (killer) oral comments that explain the entire PM fraud in five minutes.

Doug Dockery lies about his secret science

In the wake of Tuesday’s EPA secret science announcement, the ever-hopeful Steve Milloy gave 30-minute (at least) interview to New Yorker writer Carolyn Kormann, challenging her to go to Harvard’s Dog Dockery (no slight to biological canines intended) and Brigham Young’s Clive Arden Pope, III to get actually responses to my charges of fraud against … Continue reading Doug Dockery lies about his secret science