Rockefeller Heir’s Global Warming Activism Is More Self-Serving Than Noble

“Neither Goodwin nor The LA Times note these ‘independent’ reports of Exxon’s alleged climate deceit are funded by the same non-profit Goodwin donated her Exxon shares too and which funds her academic work.” Continue reading Rockefeller Heir’s Global Warming Activism Is More Self-Serving Than Noble

Nature commentary: Institutional investors should be sued for not pressuring fossil fuel companies on climate

Disagreeing with warmism could become illegal. Continue reading Nature commentary: Institutional investors should be sued for not pressuring fossil fuel companies on climate

Guest Post: 10 Things You Should Know about Recycling

By Jack Buffington, Ph.D

You’ve probably heard a thousand times how important it is to apply the “3 R’s” of reduce, reuse, and recycle to lighten your footprint to the environment. We should aspire to consume responsibly, but how effective are these principles in practice? Not as effective as you may believe, despite the alleged science behind recycling. In this article I will present ten things you should know about recycling and why its practices are based upon “junk science”: Continue reading Guest Post: 10 Things You Should Know about Recycling

MoJo: 5 Reasons The Supreme Court’s Climate Ruling Hasn’t Destroyed The Planet. Yet.

Warmists struggle to rationalize why their power grab hasn’t been thwarted. Continue reading MoJo: 5 Reasons The Supreme Court’s Climate Ruling Hasn’t Destroyed The Planet. Yet.