Dear Congress… Waxman’s Economy Killer

Steve Milloy’s article entitled, “Waxman’s Economy Killer“, is the headline story on this morning.

Forward it to your Congressman… Friday’s vote on Waxman-Markey could be a squeaker — we could defeat it.

CNN reports that House Democrats are unsure of passage.

Waxman-Markey delenda est!

aFraidman of the day: $140 billion ‘Freedom Tax’ on gasoline

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman is giving Al Gore a run for his money in the Green Hypocrisy Derby.

Friedman — known on this blog as aFraidman for ducking debate with Steve Milloycalled today for a $1-per-gallon tax on gasoline. This Orwellian “Freedom Tax,” as aFraidman called it, would be used to…

…stimulate more investment in renewable energy now; … stimulate more consumer demand for the energy-efficient vehicles that the reborn General Motors and Chrysler are supposed to make; and,… reduce our oil imports in a way that would surely affect the global price and weaken every petro-dictator.

The ever-compassionate aFraidman would allow rebates to the poor and elderly — as if such a rebate would somehow magically immunize these vulnerable groups from the higher costs the rest of us would pay and that would ripple throughout the economy. A year ago, $4-gas was choking Meals-on-Wheels services to the elderly and disabled around the country.

Since we use about 385 million gallons of gas per day, aFraidman’s “Freedom Tax” would collect about $140 billion per year — which would then be wasted on government-directed energy technology boondoggles. Remember U.S. Synfuels Corp.?

And as to being subject to the whims of petro-dictators, about 44 percent of our oil supply comes from OPEC members.

So would you rather have 44 percent of our oil supply controlled by foreign petro-dictators or 100 percent of our oil supply controlled by domestic green-dictators?

The petro-dictators must sell their oil — if they want to stay in power. The greens don’t want us using any oil at all, regardless of source.

Also, as aFraidman’s Freedom Tax would take American’s out of their cars — a technology that has allowed Americans unprecedented freedom of mobility for more than 100 years — it would actually make us less free.

Finally, Friedman, who authored the 2008 alarmist book Hot, Flat and Crowded, is married to a woman (Ann Bucksbaum) who is an heiress to a real estate and shopping mall fortune that was worth $3.2 billion in mid-2008.

Although the family fortune was reduced by mismanagement and debt to a mere $116 million by December 2008, you can bet that Friedman’s $9.3 million, 11,400 square-foot home on 7.5 acres in the tony Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda, Md is neither hot, flat, nor crowded.

No wonder Friedman’s aFraidman…

Tom Friedman's home is neither hot, flat nor crowded. (Photo courtesy of
Tom Friedman's home is neither hot, flat nor crowded. (Photo courtesy of

Waxman-Markey delenda est!

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Al Gore’s geothermal driller misled feds on earthquake risks

The New York Times reported today that AltaRock Energy — a start-up geothermal energy firm whose investors include Al Gore’s venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins — failed to notify federal regulators that the bedrock drilling technique it is using in the San Francisco-area had been linked with a project-ending 3.4-magnitude earthquake in Basel, Switzerland in 2006.

According to the Times:

AltaRock, in its seismic activity report, included the Basel earthquake in a list of temblors near geothermal projects, but the company denied that it had left out crucial details of the quake in seeking approval for the project in California. So far, the company has received its permit from the federal Bureau of Land Management to drill its first hole on land leased to the Northern California Power Agency, but still awaits a second permit to fracture rock.

“We did discuss Basel, in particular, the 3.4 event, with the B.L.M. early in the project,” Mr. Turner said in an e-mail response to questions after the visit.

But Richard Estabrook, a petroleum engineer in the Ukiah, Calif., field office of the land agency who has a lead role in granting the necessary federal permits, gave a different account when asked if he knew that the Basel project had shut down because of earthquakes or that it had induced more than 3,500 quakes.

“I’ll be honest,” he said. “I didn’t know that.”

Gore says “the planet has a fever.” I wonder if he’s worried about giving the already grouchy earth under San Francisco a splitting headache?

Waxman-Markey delenda est!

Feds thwart mini-nuclear power technology

Venture capitalist Bob Metcalfe writes in the Wall Street Journal that his firm has been discouraged from investing in tabletop-sized nuclear reactors because about $50 million of the requested $100 million investment would be swallowed up by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission itself.

Waxman-Markey delenda est!

Waxman-Markey (full text & summary)

House vote on Friday!

Click here for the full 1,201-page text.

Click here for the bill summary.

Tell your congressman that:

  1. There is no climate crisis.
  2. There is no need to ration energy.
  3. We don’t want a green-run, centrally-planned government dictating how we live our lives.

Waxman-Markey delenda est!

Waxman-Markey: Corruption In, Corruption Out

It’s hard to say whether the Waxman-Markey global warming bill that will soon be debated and voted on in the House is the most intellectually- and morally-corrupt bill ever seriously considered by Congress. But I’d bet that there are 433 congressmen who are glad that this legislative atrocity is not named after them.

After years of fierce battling by greens and global warming skeptics, few Americans seem to buy into the bill’s premise — that manmade emissions of carbon dioxide are causing the planet to run a fever, as Al Gore is fond of saying. Just this week, a public relations firm advising House Democrats recommended that the notion of “global warming” be dropped as a primary message since “almost no one in our focus groups expressed such concern.”

So despite all the frantic global warming alarmism — and the vicious likening of skeptics to Holocaust-deniers by Gore and the legions of green fanatics in activist groups, the media, industry and government — the out-manned and out-gunned skeptics have largely succeeded in being heard by Americans.

Ironically, the wild claims of Gore and the greens may have actually damaged the “green” brand. The PR firm also advised dropping the term “green” since it has become “meaningless or confusing” in focus group-testing.

Though stripped of its intellectual pretense, Waxman-Markey nevertheless soldiers on to House debate and vote. How this has come to pass must be one of the great tragicomedies of American political history.

To compel Congress and industry to work together toward the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade regime, President Obama threatened both with EPA regulation of carbon dioxide, a move that would prevent Congress from reaping the political benefits of doling out $9 trillion worth of taxpayer funds to certain industries and special interest groups between 2012 and 2050. President Obama moved a step toward making good on this threat by ordering the EPA to declare carbon dioxide — what humans exhale and what plants need to grow — a threat to the public welfare.

Apparently even President Obama’s staff was somewhat embarrassed about that move. Obama climate czar Carol Browner ordered a “vow of silence” and issued an edict to “put nothing in writing ever” concerning White House staff deliberations on the matter.

When House Republicans Darrell Issa and James Sensenbrenner called for an investigation into Browner’s potentially “deliberate and willful violation” of the Presidential Records Act, Rep. Henry Waxman got Issa and Sensenbrenner to drop the subject with vague promises to “monitor the situation” and to “potentially” hold a hearing. None of Waxman supposed promises will be implemented before the House debate and vote on Waxman-Markey.

Competing for most-appalling character in the Waxman-Markey saga is Rep. Ed Markey. Immediately after the head of Warren Buffet’s electric utility unit testified against Waxman-Markey’s cap-and-trade provision, Markey fired off a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) specifically requesting that Buffet’s utility be investigated. After being rebuked by House Republicans for this blatant intimidation, Markey then asked FERC to expand the requested investigation to all investor-owned utilities, rather than appearing to single out Buffet’s. Now all utilities are under operating with a Markey-pointed gun to their heads.

Although many businesses have been coerced into supporting Waxman-Markey, much of big business has actively pushed for the bill. Many Wall Street banks hope to profit from the trading of the $9 trillion in emissions allowances to be created under Waxman-Markey. Goldman Sachs would be the preeminent global warming bookie as it owns the exchanges where carbon allowances would be traded.

General Electric, whose CEO sits on Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, was instrumental in putting together the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), a bizarre big business-environmental activist group lobbying consortium that is a primary driver of global warming legislation. USCAP has even taken credit for drafting parts of Waxman-Markey. GE, it seems, would like a federal law requiring electric utilities buy the wind turbines and other energy technologies manufactured by — guess who — GE.

Republican James Sensenbrenner recently asked the Department of Justice to investigate USCAP members General Motors and Chrysler for illegally using taxpayer bailout money to lobby for global warming legislation. AIG, the insurance giant that is now a ward of U.S. taxpayers, only dropped out of USCAP after Rep. Joe Barton pointed out the illegality of accepting federal money and then using it to lobby the federal government.

And then there’s Al Gore, who stands to become the first “carbon billionaire” through his partnership in the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers and the UK-based investment firm of Generation Investment Management. When Gore testified in favor of global warming legislation before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January, he failed to disclose his personal financial interests and no Senator came close to asking him about them.

When he testified in April before the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee in favor of Waxman-Markey, Gore again failed to disclose his conflicts-of-interest. When Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) probed into these matters, Gore feigned ignorance and pretended that he would not personally benefit from Waxman-Markey. Although Rep. Waxman made baseball players testify under oath to Congress about the comparatively petty issue of drug use in baseball, he did not subject Gore to penalty for perjury.

In addition to Waxman-Markey’s $9 trillion wealth transfer from taxpayers to special interest groups, the Brookings Institution also estimates that Americans will lose $2 trillion (present value) in purchasing power between 2010-2050. Al Gore dubiously counters that the per household cost of Waxman-Markey is about the value of a postage stamp per day.

But even that’s too much for a bill that will accomplish nothing for the environment while simultaneously making a mockery of our system of government.

Steven Milloy publishes and is the author of the bestseller, Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.

House GOP asks Justice to investigate GM, Chrysler for illegal lobbying on climate

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-PA) asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate whether General Motors and Chrysler violated the law by using federal bailout money to lobby for climate legislation.

According to Sensenbrenner’s letter:

In recent months, General Motors (GM) and Chrysler have received tens of billions of federal dollars… Despite this massive influx of federal cash, both manufacturers have maintained at least some lobbying operations.

In addition to internal lobbying, both GM and Chrysler are members of the United States Climate Action Partnership (USCAP). USCAP is a group of businesses and environmental organizations that organized for the sole purpose of lobbying the federal government to enact climate legislation… USCAP is frequently credited with drafting portions of the Waxman-Markey climate proposal currently before the United States House of Representatives…

The Byrd Amendment prohibits the use of appropriated funds to lobby for any award of a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement…

The appropriateness and legality of their continued lobbying and membership in USCAP is therefore questionable…

Rep. Joe Barton recently forced insurer AIG to drop out of USCAP for similar reasons.

Skeptics beating Al Gore: Dem advisors say drop global warming as lead message

A public relations firm advising Democrats on climate legislation says that global warming alarmism needs to be dropped.

According to a memo from Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, global warming should not be used as the “primary frame”:

Awareness about global warming is broad, and some in the public are seriously concerned about it. But almost no one in our groups expressed such concern; for most voters, global warming is not significant enough on its own to drive support for major energy reform. So while it can be part of the story that reform advocates are telling, global warming should be used only in addition to the broader economic frame, not in place of it.

Now you know why the skeptics were more than delighted to have Al Gore as the leading messenger for global warming alarmism.

BTW, the Greenberg Quinlan Rosner also notes that the term “green” should be dropped:

“Green” is meaningless or confusing — the term “clean” resonates with voters.

So does this mean that Steve Milloy will need to re-title his new book “Clean Hell“?

Dems woo 11 House GOP-ers on climate bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Energy and Commmerce Committee chairman Henry Waxman are reaching out to the following House Republicans for their support on Waxman-Markey, according to Carbon Control News:

Tim Johnson (IL)
Vernon Ehlers (MI)
Todd Platts (PA)
Jim Gerlach (PA)
Mary Bono Mack (CA)
Mike Castle (DE)
Frank LoBiondo (NJ)
Tom Petri (WI)
Peter King (NY)
Mark Kirk (IL)
Leonard Lance (NJ)

If you are represented by one of these congressmen, contact the member and tell him/her to oppose Waxman-Markey. The preferred contact method is visiting/calling/writing/e-mailing the member’s local office. Otherwise, contact them at their Washington, D.C. offices.

How green is a Prius?

Check out this Washington Post letter-to-the-editor (June 21):

The June 9 Business article “Toyota Wants New Prius to Be America’s Next Top Model” called the Prius an “eco-icon” and said that it has allowed Americans to “advertise their eco-correctness.” A Toyota spokesman was quoted as saying that many Prius buyers want to “make an environmental statement.”

The Prius’s reputation as a “green” car is completely undeserved. The culprit is its nickel metal hydride battery.

The nickel is mined in Sudbury, Ontario, and smelted nearby, doing damage to the local environment. The smelted nickel is shipped to Wales, where it is refined. Then it is sent to China to be made into nickel foam. Then it goes to Japan, where it is made into a battery. Then it goes into cars, some of which are shipped to the United States and some of which go to Europe. All of that seaborne transport consumes a lot of fossil fuel.

CNW Marketing rates cars on the combined energy needed “to plan, build, sell, drive and dispose of a vehicle from initial concept to scrappage.” A Prius costs $2.87 per lifetime mile. By comparison, an H3 Hummer costs $2.07 per lifetime mile. Then there will be the problem of disposing of the used batteries.

This is not a “green” car; it is a “brown” one.




PETA embraces puppy-killer Che Guevara

PETA has embraced the puppy-killing revolutionary Che Guevara in a new ad campaign that features Che’s granddaughter, Lydia Guevara.

PETA’s ad quotes Che as saying

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

PETA goes on to note that,

Well, it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Che Guevara’s granddaughter, Lydia Guevara, is following in her revolutionary granddad’s footsteps by calling for a “vegetarian revolution.”

Here’s a campaign photo of Lydia trying to imitate Che’s iconic image:

Guevara Granddaughter

But is Che Guevara really someone that PETA wants to snuggle up to? Che is, after all, a puppy murderer.

Here’s the story of Che’s horrific act that occurred while he and his men were on a combat patrol in November 1957, as recounted in Jon Lee Anderson’s 1997 book, Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Grove Press).

[Caution: The following text is not for the squeamish]

As the soldiers advanced up the Mar Verde Valley, Che and his men stuck to the flanking forested hills, trying to catch up to them without being seen. They tried to speed up their pace, but discovered that their new mascot, a puppy, had stubbornly trailed them. Che ordered the fighter who was looking after the puppy, a man named Felix, to make it go back, but the little dog continued trotting loyally behind. They reached an arroyo where they rested, and the puppy inexplicably began howling; the men tried to hush it with comforting words, but the little dog didn’t stop. Che ordered it killed. “Felix looked at me with eyes that said nothing,” Che wrote later. “Very slowly he took out a rope, wrapped it around the animal’s neck, and began to tighten it. The cute little movements of the dog’s tail suddenly became convulsive, before gradually dying out, accompanied by a steady moan that escaped from its throat despite the firm grasp. I don’t know how long it took for the end to come, but to all of us it seemed like forever. With one nervous twitch the puppy stopped moving. There it lay, sprawled out, its little head spread over the twigs.”

PETA recently let President Obama off the hook for killing a fly during an interview in the White House because,

As we all know, human beings often don’t think before they act.

Will this rationalization will be applied to the people-as-well-as-puppy-murdering Che as well?

Viva la revolución de hipocresía!