Energy Dept. persuaded Solyndra to delay layoff news until after election

“No es bueno,” Heather Zichal, a top aide, wrote to White House climate czar Carol Browner on Oct. 27. Continue reading Energy Dept. persuaded Solyndra to delay layoff news until after election

IBD: Keystone XL Pipeline And Jobs — Put Up Or Shut Up

“The day after the president announces he would reward businesses that bring jobs into the U.S., the Chamber of Commerce asks: What about the pipeline from Canada that would bring both jobs and energy?” Continue reading IBD: Keystone XL Pipeline And Jobs — Put Up Or Shut Up

GAO Report Shows that Flawed Scientific Process at EPA Continues

Sens. Jim Inhofe and David Vitter today today said that a report by the GAO confirms that EPA’s IRIS program is flawed and that the agency is not basing its decisions on the best available science. Continue reading GAO Report Shows that Flawed Scientific Process at EPA Continues

EPA to rig ‘independent’ review of fracking report

The EPA has already been caught cheating on this report. No doubt the agency will load up the “independent” panel with toadies for a whitewash. Continue reading EPA to rig ‘independent’ review of fracking report