Green party reaches 40th birthday

“Where are political parties born? Labour might say workplaces, the Conservatives their clubs and stately homes, but the Green party – which is 40 years old next week – can be precise: the Bridge Inn at Napton, in Warwickshire, where an unlikely group of lawyers and estate agents used to meet for a drink after work in the early 1970s.” Continue reading Green party reaches 40th birthday

Guardian slams UK energy minister, Greenpeace for invoking WWII and Cold War rhetoric

“Climate change is ‘our moonshot’ but we need to do better than divisive Cold War rhetoric.” Continue reading Guardian slams UK energy minister, Greenpeace for invoking WWII and Cold War rhetoric

World Bank spending on forests fails to curb poverty, auditors claim

World Bank architect, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet agent. What’s the surprise that it, too, is a corrupt failure. Continue reading World Bank spending on forests fails to curb poverty, auditors claim

Greens welch on conservation deal: Islanders kill 900 dolphins

Earth Island says the slaughter was the work of a “renegade group” trying to sabotage conservation work. Continue reading Greens welch on conservation deal: Islanders kill 900 dolphins

An enviro’s solution to the national debt problem

Here’s what senior writer and Nuremberg-trials-for-skeptics advocate Dave Roberts says about our debt problem. There is no reason to think he meant this facetiously. Continue reading An enviro’s solution to the national debt problem