More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’

The Guardian reports: Continue reading More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’

Warmist McKibben: ‘We can’t bankrupt Exxon. But we can politically and morally bankrupt them.’

From the Salon interview with McKibben: Continue reading Warmist McKibben: ‘We can’t bankrupt Exxon. But we can politically and morally bankrupt them.’

Watermelon objects to being called… a watermelon — solution is skeptics’ surrender as watermelon science rots on vine

James Randerson writes at the Guardian: Continue reading Watermelon objects to being called… a watermelon — solution is skeptics’ surrender as watermelon science rots on vine

Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism

Joe Romm rants at ClimateProgress: Continue reading Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism

More Warmist Integrity: Billionaire’s climate PAC hires Cuccinelli impersonator — gets detained by police

National Review reports: Continue reading More Warmist Integrity: Billionaire’s climate PAC hires Cuccinelli impersonator — gets detained by police

No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts

Klein says the enviro elites’ win-win collaboration with American business has failed. Continue reading No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts

Ron Johnson: League of Conservation Voters in ‘unholy alliance’ with Obama for ‘environmental jihad’

The Hill reports: Continue reading Ron Johnson: League of Conservation Voters in ‘unholy alliance’ with Obama for ‘environmental jihad’