A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Are humans wrecking the climate? Meteorolgist Paul Douglas says humans are wrecking the climate. Douglas is self-styled “moderate Republican” and Christian. Therefore, humans are wrecking the climate. QED. Continue reading A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

NRDC: Not for whites only — but almost

Keying off our post yesterday about Native American enviro Tom Goldtooth’s criticism that U.S. environmental groups practiced exclusionary racism, we decided to check to see if the accusation was true. Here’s what we found for the Natural Resources Defense Council. Continue reading NRDC: Not for whites only — but almost

Green Groups for Whites Only: Minority enviro accused Bill McKibben, Greenpeace, Sierra Club of racism

A native American environmental activist accused mainstream enviro groups (350.org, Greenpeace, Sierra Club) of exclusionary racism. Continue reading Green Groups for Whites Only: Minority enviro accused Bill McKibben, Greenpeace, Sierra Club of racism

Communist Party of Australia: Skeptics 'ignorant', 'vehicles of capitalist interest'

“Defending exploitation and profit-taking of the past… [and threatening the future ] of Spaceship Earth.” Continue reading Communist Party of Australia: Skeptics 'ignorant', 'vehicles of capitalist interest'

Aussie Reds: Floods reveal twin scourge — Climate change and neo-liberalism

“Governments are keen to avoid that other neo-liberal shibboleth, taxes, to meet this kind of emergency.” Continue reading Aussie Reds: Floods reveal twin scourge — Climate change and neo-liberalism