Delingpole: Another week, another Guardian ‘biodiversity’ scare

“Sadly, for the Guardian, the IUCN and the Zoological Society of London, the threat to the ‘critically endangered’ Canarian lizards comes not from ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Habitat Destruction’ but from that most-feared of all predators, ‘Felis catus’.” Continue reading Delingpole: Another week, another Guardian ‘biodiversity’ scare

Study: Global warming makes bees disappear, disrupts pollination

Possibly its development not necessarily modest temperature changes that causes species to relocate? Continue reading Study: Global warming makes bees disappear, disrupts pollination

Appellate Court upholds fed decision on polar bear endangerment

Not because the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service was right but because “a court is not to substitute its judgment for that of the agency.” Continue reading Appellate Court upholds fed decision on polar bear endangerment

Marin Environmentalist Claims Recreating Extinct Species Is Possible

“Speaking from the prestigious TED Conference in Long Beach Wednesday, Sausalito activist Stewart Brand said scientists are developing the ability to reassemble an extinct animal’s genome, and even recreate the animal itself.” Continue reading Marin Environmentalist Claims Recreating Extinct Species Is Possible

Polar Bear-Gate Update: PEER claims ‘Drowned polar bear appear vindicated — again’

” The U.S. Department of Interior has found no scientific error in a high profile research paper by its scientists on sightings of polar bears drowned in open water following a storm, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). This is another black eye for the agency’s Office of Inspector General (IG), which has waged a controversial but fruitless campaign against the paper’s authors for nearly three years.” Continue reading Polar Bear-Gate Update: PEER claims ‘Drowned polar bear appear vindicated — again’

Polar bears ‘may need to be fed by humans to survive’ — or we need to kill them

“As a last resort, the paper mentions ‘intentional population reduction’ — the killing of starving bears.” Continue reading Polar bears ‘may need to be fed by humans to survive’ — or we need to kill them