University awards honorary doctorate to Canadian anti-logging enviro referred to as ‘enemy of the state’

Killing logging jobs and blackmailing corporations pays off — at least in academic honoraria. Continue reading University awards honorary doctorate to Canadian anti-logging enviro referred to as ‘enemy of the state’

Weather Channel: Global warming to kill off bunny — What, the polar bear scare failed?

Headline: “Could This Bunny Become a Casualty of Climate Change?” Continue reading Weather Channel: Global warming to kill off bunny — What, the polar bear scare failed?

Claim: Global warming to wipe out 67% of common plant species, 50% of animal species by 2080

This is junk science because… Continue reading Claim: Global warming to wipe out 67% of common plant species, 50% of animal species by 2080

Study: Bees ‘at risk’ from heavy metals in flowers; New effort to blame humans for alleged bee decline

But the study fails to report any adverse effects among the bees studied. Continue reading Study: Bees ‘at risk’ from heavy metals in flowers; New effort to blame humans for alleged bee decline

Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development

Reminds me of the infamous enviro sentiment concerning the use of DDT to control malaria in Africa: The poor are “better off dead than riotously reproducing.” Continue reading Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development

ICYMI: Today was the UN’s first International Day of Happiness — Need to ‘live in harmony with nature’ and commit to ‘sustainable development’

Agenda 21 = Happiness? Continue reading ICYMI: Today was the UN’s first International Day of Happiness — Need to ‘live in harmony with nature’ and commit to ‘sustainable development’

Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years

“This past year, a decision was very quietly made by a group of renowned scientists that put an end, officially, to a massive search effort in Arkansas. These scientists, after much study on the issue, officially declared the Ivory Billed Woodpecker extinct.” Continue reading Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years

Like Father, Like Son: Prince William does green propaganda

The Duke of Cambridge does a video for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITIES). Continue reading Like Father, Like Son: Prince William does green propaganda