Penn State (ideological) child abuse? Mann advising zoos on climate

We thought it was bad enough that zoos were propagandizing visitors like the child pictured below children. But then we learned about the Michael Mann connection. Continue reading Penn State (ideological) child abuse? Mann advising zoos on climate

Schlafly: U.N. Climate Conference’s Goal? One-World Gov’t

“The U.N. goal is to move the United States into a global government by environmental regulations and a vast network of taxes.” Continue reading Schlafly: U.N. Climate Conference’s Goal? One-World Gov’t

Loss of crop diversity a myth, study says

“The conventional wisdom that says the 20th century was a disaster for crop diversity is nothing more than a myth, according to a forthcoming study by a University of Illinois expert in intellectual property law…” Continue reading Loss of crop diversity a myth, study says

Senators hit Obama admin for 'collapse' of federal scientific integrity

Sens. David Vitter and James Inhofe, and Rep. Darrell Issa write to Obama science chief John Holdren complaining about the administration’s failure to live up to its own scientific integrity standards. Continue reading Senators hit Obama admin for 'collapse' of federal scientific integrity

Federal court: No CO2 regulation under the Endangered Species Act

A federal judge today ruled against an effort by environmentalists to force the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service regulate greenhouse gases under the Endangered Species Act. Continue reading Federal court: No CO2 regulation under the Endangered Species Act

Monarch butterfly back as green cause celebre

Foiled when their Bt corn-monarch butterfly scare failed at the turn of the millenium, the greens are resurrecting the monarch scare with a multi-pronged attack. Continue reading Monarch butterfly back as green cause celebre

Retiring federal judge goes off on federal scientists

Fresno U.S. District Judge Oliver W. Wanger excoriated government scientists for deception and zealotry with respect to the Delta smelt. Sadly, Judge Wanger’s retirement is imminent. Click to read the story.