Kozlovich on Bedbugs: Research is Dandy, but Silver Bullets are Handy

“We need something that works NOW! Fine…. do the research; but in the meanwhile bring back those silver bullet organophosphates like Dursban and carbamates such as Ficam and Baygon. We need silver bullets! We have had silver bullets! We deserve silver bullets. And most importantly, silver bullets exist! Everything else is misdirection. Any claims to the contrary is blatantly false!” (Paradigms and Demographics)

WashPost hits country club for methyl bromide use

The Washington Post continued its crusade against the fumigant methyl bromide in an editorial attack on Chevy Chase Country Club for using the chemical. But as we’ve pointed out previously… Continue reading WashPost hits country club for methyl bromide use

Kozlovich on bedbugs: Embrace chemistry or pestilence

“The answer to this problem in 1946 was effective, inexpensive, easy to use chemistry that was available to everyone. If that isn’t the answer to our current problem there will be no answer” writes pest management professional Rich Kozlovich.

EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?

The EPA has taken the unusual (unprecedented?) step of seeking in a Federal Register notice public comment on a petition from Save the Frogs to ban the herbicide atrazine. Continue reading EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?

More Agent Orange Con: Aspen Institute urges $300 million in reparations to Vietnam

Should U.S. taxpayers fork over $300 million to Vietnam for Agent Orange reparations? Continue reading More Agent Orange Con: Aspen Institute urges $300 million in reparations to Vietnam