Former chief UK scientist says precautionary principle could reduce crop yields 25%

“Former Chief Government Scientist Professor Sir John Beddington has accused EU policymakers of misusing the precautionary principle in their approach to pesticides such as neonicotinoids.” Continue reading Former chief UK scientist says precautionary principle could reduce crop yields 25%

Frog decline culprit identified: African frogs imported in 20th century for pregnancy tests infected with deadly fungus

BTW, this is the species of frog used by anti-pesticide jihadist Tyrone Hayes in his dubious experiments. Continue reading Frog decline culprit identified: African frogs imported in 20th century for pregnancy tests infected with deadly fungus

EPA report admits pesticides NOT yet linked with bee health or decline; But agency media release blames pesticides anyway

We’ll follow media coverage, but expect the MSM to go with the scary media release and not the report. Continue reading EPA report admits pesticides NOT yet linked with bee health or decline; But agency media release blames pesticides anyway

Study: Frogs man-up– become less vulnerable to pesticide toxicity with exposure

“This has a beneficial outcome. While it doesn’t mean that pesticides are beneficial to amphibians, our work does suggest that amphibians can evolve to resist a variety of pesticides and therefore improve their survival.” Continue reading Study: Frogs man-up– become less vulnerable to pesticide toxicity with exposure

Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology

“For the second time [the European Union Member States] failed to agree on the European Commission’s proposal for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides.” Continue reading Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology