DDT genocide instigator William Ruckelshaus urges GOP to surrender on climate

William Ruckelshaus’ anti-science DDT ban helped lead to the deaths of tens of millions in Africa — now he wants to do the same via energy bans. Continue reading DDT genocide instigator William Ruckelshaus urges GOP to surrender on climate

House GOP hit federal scientist for failing to distinguish personal opinion from Obama policy in DDT article

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun writes to NIH director Francis Collins: Continue reading House GOP hit federal scientist for failing to distinguish personal opinion from Obama policy in DDT article

West Nile healthcare costs 5x the cost of aerial pesticide spraying; Enviros cause harm and waste $$$

Enviro pesticide hysteria causes harm and is expensive. Continue reading West Nile healthcare costs 5x the cost of aerial pesticide spraying; Enviros cause harm and waste $$$

Crabgrass circumvents EPA pesticide rules: Uses unregulated poisons to kill neighboring grass

That’s right, crabgrass doesn’t crowd out other vegetation — it kills it with a homemade poison, says a new Chinese study. Continue reading Crabgrass circumvents EPA pesticide rules: Uses unregulated poisons to kill neighboring grass

Unhinged: Paul Ehrlich likens tobacco cos., climate deniers and pesticide cos. to Murder, Inc.

Population Bomb-er Paul Ehrlich tweeted: Continue reading Unhinged: Paul Ehrlich likens tobacco cos., climate deniers and pesticide cos. to Murder, Inc.

Enviro Pete Myers suggests Syngenta made threat to cause evacuation of Moscone Center ahead of anti-Syngenta speaker

Here’s Pete Myer’s tweet: Continue reading Enviro Pete Myers suggests Syngenta made threat to cause evacuation of Moscone Center ahead of anti-Syngenta speaker