20 Years Ago: 5-5-93 — AFL-CIO report says law protects environment more than people. Max penalties: Worker death is 6 months; Environmental law is 15 years

EPA’s budget is 20 times OSHA’s. Permitted worker exposures are 1,000 times higher. Environmental violations are punished more. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-5-93 — AFL-CIO report says law protects environment more than people. Max penalties: Worker death is 6 months; Environmental law is 15 years

Enviros: Warming could bring malaria back to the UK — Reality: Malaria endemic to Britain since 1400s

“From the 15th century onwards, malaria was endemic along the coasts and estuaries of south-east England, the Fenlands, and estuarine and marshland coastal areas of northern England.” Continue reading Enviros: Warming could bring malaria back to the UK — Reality: Malaria endemic to Britain since 1400s

20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis

The Senate voted overwhelmingly to make EPA a cabinet-level department on the proviso that the agency conduct comparative risk analysis (i.e., likening environmental risks to commonly encountered risks). This proviso would be the bill’s death in the Democrat-controlled House. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis

20 Years Ago: 5-3-93 — VP Al Gore fires Will Happer from Energy Dept. for ozone, climate skepticism

“I think there has been an exaggeration of the dangers of ozone depletion and climate change,” Happer told the House subcommittee, making clear the distinction between his opinions and official administration policy.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-3-93 — VP Al Gore fires Will Happer from Energy Dept. for ozone, climate skepticism

20 Years Ago: 5-2-93 — Sailor deserts his ship after orders to dump trash into the ocean

“In what may be the first case of its kind, Ahearn said he
will file for an honorable discharge as a conscientious objector
based on environmental concerns if Navy officials do not transfer
him to a non-polluting assignment.The news report is below.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-2-93 — Sailor deserts his ship after orders to dump trash into the ocean