Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC

Censorship is the American Left’s answer to political debate. Continue reading Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC

Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Determining causes of severe weather ‘so complex that isolating them would be like taking the sugar out of a chocolate-chip cookie’

Maggie Koerth-Baker writes in the New York Times: Continue reading Determining causes of severe weather ‘so complex that isolating them would be like taking the sugar out of a chocolate-chip cookie’

Guardian blogger cites anonymous ‘staffer for a House Republican’ as evidence GOP going warmist

… and when will the Guardian disclose blogger Dana Nuccitelli’s employment by an EPA contractor that does climate work? Continue reading Guardian blogger cites anonymous ‘staffer for a House Republican’ as evidence GOP going warmist